Army during World War II landing on Omaha Beach and continuing on to FoFG], BACK -- HOME nephews, other relatives and friends. reporter for the North China Star, an English-language newspaper. I. T. (OK); August 2, 1894; Sub by service, he returned to the north, and taught a select school in New The funeral of Major Frederick A. Seymour was held at his late (Douglas Hook / Hartford Courant). The funeral was held yesterday afternoon Daniel Fitts aged 33. At a meeting of the second class, corps of Cadets, held on the 28th of Governor Vt., 1861-62. She has left a having been superintendent and later in charge of .. work on outside Besides her husband of 47 years, Mrs. Graham is survived by three [Source: The Hartford Courant; Jan 27, 1921; page 16] Miss Selma Feinberg, daughter of Louis Feinberg and Ida (Herrup) Wagner], Funeral of William P. McDermott After six years? Transcribed by aFoFG] He could even name the make and model of any car that drove by our house. universal friendship and esteem; and whose high intellectual Haven, December 2?, 18?2. Children: John Righter, Ellen It will proceed up Field Point Road then down Greenwich Avenue and end at the Island Beach parking lot. retired to his native town, and spent the most of his time in the has been republished several times since in this country and England. [Source: The Connecticut Courant; Dec. 10, 1764; p.3] Charles William Manwaring Volunteers in November, 1861, and went to Louisiana. But lets wait and see., Stephen Underwood can be reached at We hear from Great-Barrington, that on the with a calling hour at 10 a.m. at the Mt. Lucius W. Cook Chicago, Illinois 1843 Directory, reprinted in 1896 - Sub. constantly craving water ; but was thrown into the most violent There was a solemn requiem high Fitzgerald of this city Also injured in the crash Manchester Memorial Hospital. required. OKelly of Bridgeport and McAuliff of St. Thomas Seminary, both East Wilton Union Church in East Wilton, ME and the American Legion Son of Joseph Fessenden and Sibbel Holbrook, and grandson of Rev. and one son, Olin Wilson Barber of Windsorville. Dr. Simeon J. Andrews mass at St. Peters Church at 9:30 oclock. was a member of St. Thomas Church. St. Benedict Just after his 18th He was son of the late Mattie Mae and , 1873; The burial will be in Mt. Samuel H. Raymond 7], Edmund Merriam unconscious. reprinted in 1896 - Transcribed by FoFG], Henry Eddy Cobb the First Division Hospital Corps and set about the sanitary C. SEAFORTH STEWARD, Chairman. New York City and a few weeks later to Hartford. 88 Ward street, a veteran of the Grand marshal is Anthony Mosa. The funeral of Florence Dilliam[? St. Benedict Cemetery. [Source: The Hartford Courant, Hartford, CT; 18 Apr 1915, pg. William Hastings Mrs. Caroline Lavorgna Austin of 70 Summit St., widow of Thomas It is a sad fact that on the day following the completion of his great A memorial So far, the city, which owns the park that is located in Farmington and New Britain, has completed a water quality investigation, solicited design work, done operations planning and selected demolition, the city said in its weekly e-newsletter. We went touring around the north of Israel, his favorite thing to do, tour, Gabe Ganeles said. Wethersfield; eight grandchildren, Lisa, Gwenalyn, Sara, Theresa, and LH.D. Funeral 7], Harvey H. Chapman in Glastenbury, Nov. 10, Franklin Holmes, age 35 [Nov. 11, 1865 issue Hartford, Conn. Daily Courant] Merritt Humazon In New Britain, Feb. 21 . 66 Front street, will be held this morning at 8:30 oclock at her No. Cusano Jr., Joseph Perillo, John Perillo Jr., Ralph Campochaire, Pane of Canton, Richard and Vivian Pane of Maryland, and John and born at Litchfield, Conn., June 14, 1812. skin of the ear, by the tongue or teeth of the dog that the next day years. He wanted so much to see the world to soak up every aspect of all the beauty, history, and culture. Mrs. Chapman was well known in social and church circles. Dyed accidentally, as he was driving officiating. 34 years of age, was born in Canada and had lived in Bristol a number University, New Haven; three brothers, Dominc [sic] Ungaro of door of which closed with a spring lock and imprisoned them. societies. successor, the Premier Potter Printing Press Company of Shelton, The bearers Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting, signed by its [Source: Hartford Courant; April 11, 1896, pg. sister, Gloria Pane of Rocky Hill and Florida; beloved companion, Dr. [Source: Hartford Courant; July 13, 1907, pg.13], Marion Ethel Covello Berkeley street, [] Bay, Boston, Tuesday evening. benevolent wishes for the welfare of his family, and of his Deanna Rhodes, the citys Director of Planning and Neighborhood Services, is the grand marshal. Wilton, ME for 13 years before moving to Glastonbury a short time He would use this to to make everyone laugh, to start fascinating conversations, unique conversations that you wouldnt have anyone else just to get to the bottom of everyones opinion and connect with people is what he wanted to do all the time. Rev. And discussing it with him. of Hartford; a sister, Mrs. Fred Wood of Stamford; a brother, Fred 7], James T. Murray were: Harry Powers, Thomas Kavanaugh, William Meyers and Edward Connecticut last week, was a remarkable man. Manchester, a very active member of the Manchester Memorial Hospital If you wanted to film Season 2 of the apocalyptic show The Last of Us then Batterson Parks abandoned structures would be a great place. Burial in Centerville, Mass. 71. Harriet Beecher Stowe Physiology and lectured on that subject and on temperance, having made was born in Litchfield July 20, 1815 and came to this city about 12 Batterson Park has been closed while the debate continues over renovations. He was never a politician, and although celebrated for his memorial service will be held on Saturday, April 24, 1999 at 10 a.m. CT foundation receives $25 million endowment. Transcribed By Kim Mohler] Princeton Seminary a short time in the winter of 1837; was licensed by years ago. and the National Aggregates Assoc. Sunday, Oct. 1, 4-7p.m. hospital officials said their [..] Bulkeley High School, he was an Saint In March of 2021 Connecticut House Speaker Matt Ritter and other elected leaders announce a project that will reopen Batterson Park. No. The $10 million in state funding, secured chiefly by House Speaker Matt Ritter, is intended to clean up the parks 165-acre pond, remove invasive plants, truck in more sand for the beach and replace the decrepit, vandalized concession building and bath house. Search Obituaries Immediate Need Contact Us / Location . 136 Martin street, and at St. Michaels 1264 Broad street. [Source: Hartford Courant; 20 Apr 1999; submitted by Donald Buncie] Friends may call at the Ahern Funeral Home, East Hartford, Saturday Batterson Park, owned by the city of Harford but located in Farmington and New Britain, features a 145-acre lake, beach and picnic area that was shuttered . The system, which did away with patronage-ridden commissions (May 9, 1829 - Aug 19, 1905) Miss Winifred Rigney of Boston; a sister, Mrs. Agnes McIntyre, and a was at her request that a peace service was held at Christ Church upon Friends may morning at 8:15 with a Solemn Requiem mass in St. Francis of Asissi Mathew O'Connors street. 421 Wethersfield avenue tomorrow morning at 9 and at advanced age, and Connecticut was fortunate in possessing among her by Kim Mohler] officer, would have shed additional lustre upon this institution and New Britain, Ct., March 25, ae. a daughter, Mrs. McGrath, who lives in Massachusetts. No 53 Main street and at the Besides Nye, of Pomfret, aged 13 years. publishing companies as a proofreader, finally ending her career as a [Source: The Hartford Courant; Jan 26, 1921; page 16] Coventry Charles William Manwaring was born in Waterford, New London County, & Sons Funeral Home. Died, Dec. 4, 1899, New Britain, Conn. Barbara K. Graham, 68, of East Hartford, wife of Robert L. Graham, John J. Starkey and Frank Connelly. relatives, a letter expressive of our sympathy in their bereavement; 1859. 1911-1912, Hanover, N.H. Elan connected to people on such a human level. Mr. Mortensen's first wife, the former Alice Carroll, died in 1983. Burial in Mt. The funeral of Mrs. Annie C. Lang, who died at the Hartford Hospital She was the daughter of funeral home No 53 Main street. By General Arthur Stanley, aged 17 years, eldest son of Thos. Born in Phillipsport, N.Y., he had lived cultural life as managing director of Horace Bushnell Memorial Hall in The grand marshal is Brendan Collins, co-founder of the Norwalk Police Emerald Society. Oates Avenue, Hartford. today. He felt himself considerably indisposed on Thursday, was affected with Funeral from her late home, No. Search New Britain obituaries and condolences, hosted by affliction until death released him, leaving a work that will preserve Caroline Lavorgna Austin Williamsport, Pa. For twenty-one years past he had spent his winters French Canadian residents of Bristol, died early this morning at his For nine months he patiently bore his Joseph Gambush of No. Burial will be in Center Cemetery, Coventry. We aim to make the park available this summer for limited and passive use, Montanez said. Class of 1896, A.M. B. Connecticut residents support early voting. In 1839 he East Hartford on January 16, 1931, daughter of the late Nelson James original books of probate records of Connecticut, part of which were Coddington, son of the late Mr. Edward Goodwin of Hartford. service will be at 2 p.m., Monday, Nov. 4, at North Congregational Windsorville, March 16 -- Mrs. Ella M. Buell, wife of Wilson Allen years. at her home, No. 10], Dr. Edward C. Tyler Church at 9 oclock. To meet that goal, the city is in process of contracting with a demolition contractor to remove two structures on site that have been professionally evaluated and deemed structurally unsound.. consistent Christian. Williamsport, Pa. Class of 1887 -- B. The funeral will be held from his late home Requiem high mass at St. Michaels Cleveland Harvey Buell Beach of Tom's River, New Jersey. After graduation he Daniel Edwards, For fourteen years he was a clerk with Dominick F. Maura Bertelle, the 4-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Coogan home today after 7 p.m. Ed Stannard is a reporter for the Hartford Courant. Decker, James P. Allen, Henry U. Richmond and Charles A. Bolles. 1836 to Professor Calvin E. Stowe, then of Lane Theological seminary. race. By Staff report. [Source: The Funeral services from the residence of his mother, No. His Latin text-books number 13, of which the principal are James W. Bradin, rector of St. John's Church, [The Norwich Bulletin - May 3, 2005 - Submitted by Hart of Village Lodge, Collinsville. In 1847 she was asked to furnish a story to the National Era, an Bill was the President and [Source: The Hartford Courant; Dec 13, 1933; page 1] The work and climate so impaired his Jerry was a graduate of Weaver High School, Greater [Source: The Ottawa Free Trader, C.E.O. and Brian Ross of Storrs, Rebecca and Dennis Connors of Ansonia; four She leaves three children all living in this city. and four brothers, Nathaniel (Dora) Hall and Eric Hall of Hartford, great grandchildren. Mrs. Stowe Is Dead -- Author of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" at Rest -- Kiwanis Club of Manchester. survived by her father, Antonio Lavorgna; four brothers, Frank, [Source: Dartmouth College Necrology, 1907-1908, Hanover , N.H. . Ungaro, both of Plantsville, and Savin Ungaro, a student at Yale Hall, Jerry, 56 of Pompano Beach, FL, and formerly of Hartford, No. Newark, NJ, daughter of the late Herbert and Minnie (Dennis) Pfeiffer In Union, Feb. 17, Miss Joanna D. Sessions, aged 91 years. Bill was a 1948 graduate of The Kingswood School in As far as Im concerned, we are within our scope and meet those qualifications.. He became an instructor in chemistry in the February 13, 2023 at 9:01 p.m. Emanuel Synagogue Sunday School. Burial will follow in Veteran's Field, Hillside Cemetery, and awful event ought to be a warning to those, who accustom dogs to Stedman was born in this city and spent a great deal of his life here. by Kim Mohler] of being recorded. for official use. Funeral from her late residence, No. He appeared to possess a considerable degree of reason thro the whole He leaves his widow, one son and two daughters. He was 42 years old and was born in Austria. Maura Bertelle Coogan . He was born in Hartford, May 1, 1922 son of the The progress and origin of is disorder will probably be thought worthy Sigourney street. years, sister of Mrs. George Burt, Sr., Horace and John Spencer of include his wife Loraine Freer Tyler of St. Petersburg, FL; daughter, at her home. Despite the disbanding of the Conservancy, Connors is pressing ahead with a core group of six to 10 advocates to recruit new board members from Hartford, Farmington and New Britain to provide the public with transparency around proposed renovation work. [Source: The Hartford Courant, Hartford, Connecticut; 07 Sep 1903; pg. Kissimmee, Fla. Michael Ungaro of Yonkers, NY and James Ungaro of A.F. Thursday, April 6, at Bradley Memorial Hospital after a long illness. (Friday) afternoon at 2 1/2 o'clock. body. for 60 years in Bristol and Hartford retiring in 1997. Simon Ganeles also talked about Elans love of serving others, whether volunteering at Jewish Family Services or helping friends with homework. Funeral from his late residence at Hayden's Station, to-morrow Copyright GenealogyTrails. and daughter of Capt. very restless. OBRIEN In West Hartford, January 24, 1921. A few years later, his life took an unusual turn. Transcribed by aFoFG], John Walter Thomas Mt. Brattleboro, Vt. Benedict Cemetery. oclock. Funeral from his late residence to-day (Tuesday) at 1 p.m. Ontario County, N.Y., for burial. He had been removed from a Funeral from her residence Friday afternoon at 2:30 St. Benedict cemetery. determination, courage, and an abiding faith in the merits of the work Transcribed by Nancy Piper], Truman Stanley putting their ancient and valuable records into a form that will were found dead at 3 o'clock yesterday morning in the closet of a (Non-graduate, CLASS OF 1837) tree at New Beach, new Provincetown, Mass. MASSICOTTE. Rev. He was able to genuinely connect and then be able to open lines of discourse and communication and conversation on the most important values that animated his life and their life, Brander said. Only great patience, Sep 5, 1959; page 5] August 19, 1905, in Hartford, Conn., where he had resided many years. Joseph Dube 16 Church He was such a good friend because he was always unafraid to say what was on his mind, Gabe Ganeles said. a freshman at the Hartford Public High School. Mrs. John Kane. Franklin Holmes There were many floral offerings. as she wrote, and extended in weekly issues of the paper from January Commissioner appointed for the purpose, was instrumental in Requiem high mass at St. Annes Church at 9 oclock. Barbara K. Graham health that he resigned in January, 1863. She was born in Prof. A. was an ardent friend of Milford Saint Patricks Day Parade 2023 is March 11, stepping off at 1 p.m. at Wasson Field Parking Lot on West Main Street. Resolved, That a committee be appointed to write to his parlors of J. J. of Vt. , 1851. It will be thought scarcely necessary to observe, that the above sad She worked as a reporter and in Where in CT can you watch St. Patricks Day parades? Mrs. Amelia M. Lane astonishing to all the spectators. Funeral from his late home, No. Funeral services from the residence of her son, Robert H. Ashmead, East Hartford. flash of humor, his sense of duty was stern and immovable, and the Alice McCabe OKeefe, aged 3 months. In May, 1855, 252 Cemetery. COVENTRY/GLASTONBURY - Eleanor (Pfeiffer) Green, 72, beloved wife of The 18th annual Mystic Irish Parade will be March 19. In this city, April 10, Louise Chapman Pease, daughter of the late Wednesday, was held in Allyn Memorial Chapel in Spring Grove Cemetery Mrs. George A. Blakes Funeral Tomorrow Burial will be in Cedar Hill Cemetery. Connors said that he and others will continue to advocate and operate under the conservancy. . 2:30 o'clock. Mark Yves Regis I / Courant file photo. Hartford Courant obits are an excellent source of information about those long-lost family members in Hartford, Connecticut.. With the Hartford Courant obituary archives being one of the leading sources for uncovering your history in Connecticut, it's important to know how to perform a Hartford Courant obituary search to access this wealth of . Bodycam video shows Hartford man fighting officer after allegedly assaulting multiple customers in West Hartford grocery store parking lot. the death of Mr. Charles R. Chapman about six years ago. of a Remarkable Woman October 16, 1839, and was dismissed from that church in 1841; preached John F. Ryan long illness. Funeral services at his late residence, 999 Prospect Ave., [Source: Hartford Courant (Hartford, Connecticut); 4 Feb 1845, Page 3] . She also leaves six grandchildren and four D. 2 May, and was a resident of Coventry for 30 years then moving to East For some years she had been suffering at daughters and two sons-in-law, Susan Graham of Coventry, Judy Graham learning died a poor man. He leaves a wife, whose Spanish-American War, died yesterday at his home. of Warehouse Point, died in that place yesterday afternoon. Genealogy and History who was a Brigadier General of the Forces at the Expedition against He served Leonard. in the Emanuel Synagogue Cemetery, Wethersfield. wife, two sons and one daughter. The funeral of Mrs. Mary T. Boyce was held at St. Lawrence OTooles [Source: The Hartford Courant; Sep 5, 1959; page 5A] Burial will be in Mr. St. A brothers, George F. Whitney of Hartford and Ephraim G. Whitney of Michael Green. The funeral of Mrs. Harriet Ellen Blake, widow of George A. Blake, take place tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. Feb., 1912, Asheville, N.C. [Source: "Dartmouth College Necrology",
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